Dear YOU
♥ My love for you is so0 strong
I know that nothing can go0 wrong
It just that feeling when were together
That amazing feeling we’ll last forever ♥
♥ Every time I talk to you my heart just wants to sink
Every time I speak to you I wonder what you’ll think
Every time I’m with you I never want to leave
Every second without you makes it harder to breath ♥
♥ I love the feeling, when I look into your eyes
Being with you is the biggest Prize
The faithful ness there’s never lies
Our love will grow and always rise
My feelings are strong and never dies
I’ll do something strong and something wise
Be with you forever with no goodbyes ♥
tulus ikhlas :
from Yana to Faez
6.44 PM
waaa terbaekk! :)
feewwiitt!kak yana nak beromantik la..hehe
so sweet ! (:
eh, gambar tuh at megamall kuantan ek ? suwiiit :)
acece..hati berbunga2 tuu..^^
errr...bila turn I pulak.??..bhahah..okx2 gurau je..serius..gurau je..
mari join Segmen Pertama Farah Alias..! Need ur support!
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