Nov 21, 2010

dapat AWARD!

ouh yeah..lalalalalaa..gelek gelek punggung ciket..a-hah! ngarot jew yana niyh..biasew lah,idop ngah epy skunk niyh..hoho..nak taw tak kenapa? hah! tengok bawah sini..first time member baek akuw kasik award kat akuw..tsk tsk tsk..tenkiu2 ;) haha

skunk my job nak proceed dis award ;)

1) Thanks to the person who gives you award and link the person :

tanx buad liya a.k.a raziellia sebab ko kasik award niyh kat aku..sayang ko ketat3!!

2) Spread the award to the 15 blogger who you like and think their blog are awesome :

3) Tell 7 things about yourself :

*love to smile
*love snapping pictures
*student of Biotech at UMP
*love pink damn much
*1 from 4 siblings
*nope cute nope beauty nope hot
*onli love HIM

yeah! alredy done! ;)

Suka? LIKE je! :)

LIKE Fan Page Yana sekali yer! :)

1 comment:

shimay said...

hah?ble ko dpt award nie, beb...

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Terima kaseh drops komen
Esok-esok drops komen lagi oke ! :)